Friday, December 24, 2010

No Christmas without Fairouz

There is no better way to get into the right Christmas spirit than to listen to Fairouz, actually no Christmas is complete without Fairouz and this is my favourite, Talj Talj.

I like to wish those of my readers that celebrate on the 24th and 25th December a Merry One with family and loved ones, a special thought goes to the refugees and migrants around the globe,being detached from their loved ones, the Baby Jesus being the ultmate refugee, soon after his birth, leaving his native country for Egypt.

Enjoy the song!

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Flight MS 717 bound for Alex

Having read an article a few days ago on the rather serious topic of Egypt,s future...and upbeat assesment on the qualitative rise of Egypt Air as well as reading this ranking on the worst airlines in the world, with Egypt Air making the list led me in some strange way to think of the clip above, that brought back nostalgic memories of a not too distant past, when listening to the Egypt Air inflight information system announcments, one would be lucky if being able to decipher the essence of the message while piecing together words from the presentation in three different languages, all announced with the speed and sound equivalent to machine gun fire.

It's time for me to make this blog fly again I,m leaving you in the safe hands of Captain Herradi, enjoy!
