Friday, September 08, 2006

Former MP Mukhtar Nouh´s first CD banned by censorship board

The former member of parliament for the Muslim Brotherhood, Mukhtar Nouh was planning on releasing his first CD with political songs, when reaching a dead end, in form of the entertainment cencorship committee.

The committee, refused to comment on why they decided not to give Nouh´s CD the license and the go ahead, but judging from this following qoute, the critical lyrics is behind the decision.

"One song in the album talks about a ruler who tours his country every year. In one province, one of the citizens stops the ruler to ask why food, medicines and jobs have become so scarce," recounts the bearded Nouh.

"The next year, another citizen asks the ruler the same question, but adds where has the first citizen gone!"

Nouh had created a production company, and expected to sell about a million copies, but now he´s thinking about putting it on his website for free, perhaps youtube or my space could offer an alternative for the Muslim Brother on a time out?

Mukhtar Nouh is part of the middle generation in the Ikhwan, gaining political experience in student politics, as tresurer in the lawyers syndicate and in parliament. Having spent time behind bars for three years between 1999-2002 and directly started to propagate for a better relationship between the brothers and the government, a relationship built on bricks of misstrust since the banning of the organisation in 1954. Somewhere along that path, signs of misstrust between the new supreme guide Mahdi Akef and him became evident, and Nouh has been out fishing ever since.

i´m wondering about his music, if Nouh is going to place himself somewhere between Sami Yousef and Shaában Abd al Rahim, but of course, the once very politically streetwise Shaában abd al Rahim, has become just another artist praising the President, instead of raising issues important to the man on the street.


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